Интернет магазин спецодежды и спецобуви

Продвигать культуру безопасности труда, формируя рынок потребления качественных средств индивидуальной защиты, спецодежды и спецобуви. Производить и предоставлять клиентам широкий ассортимент, позволяющий обеспечивать безопасность и комфорт во всех категориях риска. Делать наш продукт максимально доступным широкому кругу потребителей путем открытия собственных филиалов, розничных магазинов и дилерской сети.

LLC Insight + is a large-scale manufacturer of work clothing and Exclusive Representative of Ardon in Ukraine

We comprehensively arrange the supplies of high-quality European work clothing, safety shoes and all kinds of personal protective equipment for the enterprises.

https://brooklynstore.com.ua/content/uploads/images/success%20(1).png The company has its own clothing factory, where more than 80 qualified employees work. The factory produces certified work clothing and knitted wear of Speсnaz and Free Work trademarks (all sizes are available in sufficient quantities). Own design and engineering department makes it possible to develop modern and multifunctional products!

https://brooklynstore.com.ua/content/uploads/images/success%20(1).png Also, LLC Insight + is an exclusive importer of TM Ardon in Ukraine having European quality goods, as well as appropriate documents and certificates.

https://brooklynstore.com.ua/content/uploads/images/success%20(1).png Own warehouse with an area of 1000 square meters allows for maintaining more than 150 thousand units of goods on stock.

At any time of the day online buyers will be able to find out the prices of the manufacturer and place an order on the website.

Personal consultants from the sales department will quickly and easily provide service on selection of necessary goods suitable for the safe work of their clients.

Since the purpose of LLC Insight + is to protect the lives and health of employees making their work safe.

https://brooklynstore.com.ua/content/uploads/images/success%20(1).png Our clients are the companies which first of all pay attention to European standards, high quality, comfort, prestige and change clothes not because of their wear but for image reasons.

As a result, you get protected, workable and satisfied employees dressed from top to toe.

Manager of Export Department - Remenets Anna

Telephone: +972 536096056

                    +38 (050) 474 44 41

Skype: anna_ltd13

Email: remenets.an@gmail.com